Studi e Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni Deslorelina - Gatto

2022 - Resumption of ovarian activity following removal of a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant in queens. Feffé-Dolcet L. et al., Reproduction in domestic Animals.


2022 - Clinical use of Anti‐Müllerian Hormone to monitor resumption of ovarian activity following removal of a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant in queens. Ferré-Dolcet L. et al., Veterinary Research Communications


2020 - Contraceptive implants used by cat breeders in France: a study of 140 purebred cats. Furthner E. et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery


2020 - Interval between removal of a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant after a 3-, 6-, and 9-month treatment and restoration of testicular function in tomcats. Ferré-Dolcet L. et al., Animals.


2019 - Length of efficacy and effect of implant location in adult tom cats treated with a 9.4 mg deslorelin subcutaneous implant. Romagnoli S. et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2018 - Reestablishment of sperm quality after long-term deslorelin suppression in tomcats. Nunez Favre R. et al., Animal Reproduction Science


2017 - GnRH-agonist implants suppress reproductive function and affects ovarian LHR and FSHR expression in prepubertal female cats. Mehl N.S. et al., Theriogenology.


2017 - Effect of deslorelin on testicular function, serum dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol concentrations during and after suppression of sexual activity in tom cats. Gueltiken N. et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2017 - Postponement of puberty in queens treated with deslorelin. Cecchetto M. et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2016 - GnRH-agonist implantation of prepubertal male cats affects their reproductive performance and testicular LH receptor and FSH receptor expression. Mehl N.S. et al., Theriogenology.


2015 - First deliveries after estrus induction using deslorelin and endoscopic transcervical insemination in the queen. Zambelli D. et al., Theriogenology.


2015 - Azoospermia with variable testicular histology after 7 months of treatment with a deslorelin implant in toms. Novotny R. et al., Theriogenology


2015 - Long-term contraception in a small implant: a review of Suprelorin (deslorelin) studies in cats. Fontaine C., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2015 - Histologic effect of a postnatal slow-release GnRH agonist on feline gonads. Carranza A. et al., Theriogenology.


2015 - Methods of fertility control in cats: owner, breeder and veterinarian behavior and attitudes. Murray J.K. et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2014 - Suppression of Fertility in Adult Cats. Goericke-Pesch S. et al., Reproduction in Domestic Animals.


2014 - Reversibility of germinative and endocrine testicular function after long-term contraception with a GnRH-agonist implant in the tomda follow-up study. Goericke-Pesch S. et al., Theriogenology.


2014 - Effect of GnRH analogs in postnatal domestic cats. Carranza A. et al., Theriogenology.


2014 - Suppression of Fertility in Pre-pubertal Dogs and Cats. Schaefer-Somi S. et al., Reproduction in Domestic Animals.


2014 - Clinical Use of Deslorelin (GnRH agonist) in Companion Animals: A Review. Lucas X., Reproduction in Domestic Animals.


2013 - Effectiveness of deslorelin acetate subcutaneous implantation in a domestic queen with after-spaying urinary incontinence. Pisu M.C. et al., Journal of Feline medicine and Surgery.


2013 - Treatment of queens in estrus and after estrus with a GnRH-agonist implant containing 4.7 mg deslorelin; hormonal response, duration of efficacy, and reversibility. Goericke-Pesch S. et al., Theriogenology.


2013 - Treatment with Suprelorin in a pregnant cat. Goericke-Pesch et al., Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.


2012 - Results of GnRH agonist implants in oestrous induction and oestrous suppression in bitches and queens. Maenhoudt C. et al., reproduction in Domestic Animals.


2012 - Effects of the GnRH analogue deslorelin implants on reproduction in female domestic cats. Toydemir T.S.F. et al., Theriogenology.


2012 - Long-term-release GnRH agonists postpone puberty in domestic cats. Risso A. et al., Reproduction in Domestic Animals.


2012 - Reversible suppression of sexual activity in tomcats with deslorelin implant. Novotny R. et al., Theriogenology.


2012 - Ovarian activity reversibility after the use of deslorelin acetate as a short-term contraceptive in domestic queens. Ackermann C.L. et al., Theriogenology.


2011 - Clinical Applications of GnRH Agonist Deslorelin in dogs and cats. Ponglowhapan S., Journal of Veterinary Medicine


2011 - Clinical Use of GnRH Agonists in Canine and Feline Species. Fontaine E. et al., Reproduction in Domestic animals.


2011 - Clinical efficacy of a GnRH-agonist implant containing 4.7 mg deslorelin, Suprelorin, regarding suppression of reproductive function in tomcats. Goericke-Pesch S. et al., Theriogenology.